House of Cards

Image result for frank underwood
Francis J. Underwood

Image result for claire underwood
Claire Underwood

This Netflix original is based of a U.K. miniseries of the same name, and takes a behind the scenes look at current U.S. politics, and the greed and corruption involved. The main characters are U.S. Rep. Francis Underwood of South Carolina, and his wife, Claire Underwood. The first season starts out with Francis as the majority whip for the House of Representatives, promised the position of Secretary of State in exchange for his support for the new President, President Garrett Walker. But, Walker reneges on their deal, and leaves Francis to pick up the pieces of the fallen administration. On the outside, Underwood accepts these orders; however, on the inside, he works with his wife to cook up a scheme to destroy Walker, and his allies, and get them all out of the White House for good. All the other seasons are about how the Underwoods just want more and more power, and the depths they will go to in order to achieve that level of power, including manipulation, blackmail, and even as far as murder. This show is one of the first of its kind, as it breaks down the fourth wall, and lets Francis talk directly to the viewer, while the rest of the cast remains motionless, not acknowledging anything that Francis says in his monologue. House of Cards currently has 5 seasons out on Netflix, and will soon have more, as the show is planned to continue for another 3 seasons at least.
Image result for frank underwood
Francis breaking the fourth wall, and talking directly to the viewer


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