
Archer is an all animated spy sitcom, focusing on the world's greatest secret agent, Sterling Archer, who works at the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS)

Sterling Archer
Sterling reports to his mother, Malory Archer, who is the extremely selfish head of ISIS, mainly using ISIS funds for her own personal needs.
Malory Archer by friagram
Malory Archer
Alongside him are his fellow agents of ISIS: Lana Kane, the top female secret agent, who is constantly frustrated at the organization, as Malory favorites her son as the number one field agent; 
Lana Kane Face Clip Art
Lana Kane
Cyril Figgis, the ISIS comptroller, who is plagued by a wide variety of "personal problems";

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Cyril Figgis
Cheryl Tunt, also known as Carol, Malory's deranged secretary, who becomes more and more unhinged as the show progresses;

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Cheryl Tunt
Pam Poovey, the crude, gossipy, impulsive, self-indulgent human resources director for ISIS, who has a complicated history with Sterling; 
Image result for Pam Poovey
Pam Poovey
Algernop Krieger, the head of the ISIS applied research department, who also possibly a clone of Adolf Hitler.
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Algernop Krieger
These agents of ISIS deal with a wide variety of problems, ranging from international espionage, to blowing up an oil pipeline, just to make some rich people even richer. In the first 4 seasons, ISIS deals with global espionage, as well as navigating through the minefield of emotions within the company. In season 5, ISIS gets raided by the FBI, and we find out that Malory never filed any paperwork to get ISIS legalized, and the team turns to the drug/arms industry in order to turn a profit. Season 6 returns us to the world of espionage, but with one big twist: ISIS is now working for the CIA. Season 7 gets ISIS fired by the CIA, for their gross incompetency, and changes over to a detective agency, titled The Figgis Agency. Season 8 takes place in Sterling's coma-brain, set in a 1940s setting called Dreamland. The show has also been confirmed for 3 more seasons, ending up with a total of 11 seasons, all 8-10 episodes each.


  1. I enjoyed your use of personal taste to guide your project's content, and appreciate the attention you direct to some of the best comedic voice-over actors in the industry. Archer is where John H. Benjamin thrives!


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